The Finishing WelL framework

The List
We all have a list. A list of things to do and things to achieve in this lifetime. And we all deal differently with this list. Some of us will take things easy and hope to achieve some of the items on the list, while others will diligently work to ensure that they achieved all on the list. For those of us who said that we have no list, is it simply because we have forgotten all about it or have we just unconsciously swept it aside?
The Hearts That Stirs
Admit it, we all have a list, be it hidden or forgotten. It is the reason why we are so busy - busy chasing after the things on the list. Day after day, month after month and year after year, we continue the chase. We are tired and yet we cannot stop. We are so busy chasing that we have no time to pause and consider if this is what we would really like to live for. Finally, we got ourselves so weary and burnt out that we asked ‘Now that I have achieved this, what’s next?’ There’s a stir in our heart that says ‘There must be something more to this. Why am I still unsettled and dissatisfied? Haven’t I struck off another item on my list?’
Deep inside all of us is a desire to lead significant and meaningful lives. The stirs in the heart, the restlessness and dissatisfaction are due to a yearning for a life that’s worth living and a life of purposeful living, which goes way beyond the list. Striking items off our list may initially provide a sense of accomplishment, but gradually we find that it can no longer satisfies. How then can we be satisfied?
At Logos Learning, we believe that it is important to have a life purpose if you want to have a meaningful life. We also strongly believe that just having a life purpose alone is not sufficient; we need to have the methods and techniques to help us live out our purpose so that our lives can be fulfilling. As such, we would like to introduce to you our Finishing Well™ model which is developed to provide you with a framework to facilitate this process through various practical handlers.
We all have a list. A list of things to do and things to achieve in this lifetime. And we all deal differently with this list. Some of us will take things easy and hope to achieve some of the items on the list, while others will diligently work to ensure that they achieved all on the list. For those of us who said that we have no list, is it simply because we have forgotten all about it or have we just unconsciously swept it aside?
The Hearts That Stirs
Admit it, we all have a list, be it hidden or forgotten. It is the reason why we are so busy - busy chasing after the things on the list. Day after day, month after month and year after year, we continue the chase. We are tired and yet we cannot stop. We are so busy chasing that we have no time to pause and consider if this is what we would really like to live for. Finally, we got ourselves so weary and burnt out that we asked ‘Now that I have achieved this, what’s next?’ There’s a stir in our heart that says ‘There must be something more to this. Why am I still unsettled and dissatisfied? Haven’t I struck off another item on my list?’
Deep inside all of us is a desire to lead significant and meaningful lives. The stirs in the heart, the restlessness and dissatisfaction are due to a yearning for a life that’s worth living and a life of purposeful living, which goes way beyond the list. Striking items off our list may initially provide a sense of accomplishment, but gradually we find that it can no longer satisfies. How then can we be satisfied?
At Logos Learning, we believe that it is important to have a life purpose if you want to have a meaningful life. We also strongly believe that just having a life purpose alone is not sufficient; we need to have the methods and techniques to help us live out our purpose so that our lives can be fulfilling. As such, we would like to introduce to you our Finishing Well™ model which is developed to provide you with a framework to facilitate this process through various practical handlers.